Sproxton Circuit

Sunday 9 July 2023

Photos courtesy of Gay

After the rather wild windy day on the Saturday, it was a nice surprise to wake up on the Sunday to a beautiful clear (wind-less) winter day to complete the 5km easy Sproxton Circuit walk.

Sproxton Road is off the Old Nelligen road, close to Nelligen and on the drive to the beginning of the walk, the group passed one of the new concrete water reservoirs being constructed to service Nelligen village.

Five members and three potential new members enjoyed a very pleasant couple of hours walking the Sproxton Circuit. Alas no birds were heard but perhaps a local resident riding his quad bike and giving his dog a run, may have scared off the bird life.

The group were treated to filtered mountain views and loads of candle banksias. Heather was on “orchid spotting duties” and dutifully spotted three, including one high in the trees.

Simply put – a lovely morning’s walk!
