Tuross Lake Walk

Thursday 18 April 2024

Photos courtesy of KarenM and Kate. Walk report courtesy of Walk Leader KarenM.

Batemans Bay Bushwalkers explored a short 4km walk by Tuross Lake on Thursday. For such a short distance, the vegetation zones are many and distinct.

First up is the temperate forest track leading down to the lakeside. Then a casuarina grove littered with elkhorns. Followed by an open samphire meadow, a muddy mangrove flat bordered by reeds, and then more casuarinas backing a sandy beach.

We had to dodge a few new puddles after the recent big rainstorm, and try not to tread on the many crabs in the mangroves, or get tangled in the yellow webs of the golden orb spiders. And of course the views across the lake are always magnificent.