Dooga & Granite Creek Circuit

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Photos courtesy of Karen and Donna F

Nine walkers set off on a lovely day for a brand new walk. This walk is a 10.5 klm circuit in the Mogo State Forest. It starts on Misons Road and follows bike tracks and initially travels alongside the upper reaches of Dooga Creek, on the western side of Pollwombra Mountain. Whilst this area was affected by the 2019/20 bushfires, the damage to surrounding vegetation is not as significant as found in other areas of the Mogo State Forest. There is still a substantial canopy and the regrowth is steady without being completely overwhelming and impenetrable. It is a really beautiful area that has, surprisingly, been rarely visited by our Club.

After following Dooga Creek, we headed east where we then headed up the western face of Pollwombra Mountain and then followed more bike tracks along the contour of the mountain. We walked through a lovely spotted gum forest and made our way along the northern contour of the mountain. The bike tracks in the Pollwombra area provide an excellent opportunity for hikers to navigate around the expansive granite outcrops and the views are amazing. We then headed to a beautiful watercourse which we have christened ‘Granite Creek’ owing to the granite rock surrounding the whole area. It was encouraging to see rock orchids, perched atop huge granite formations, that have survived the fires. Whilst conducting the reccie for this walk we even spotted a yabbie in the pools of this creek.

We then continued along the bike track, past the remnants if an old drug crop, a water tank and chicken wire enclosure, back to Misons Road and to the cars. All in all it was a great day with great weather and great company. Another beautiful day out in the bush.

Donna G