Pollwombra Circuit

Wednesday 16 November 2022

Photos courtesy of Amanda, Rob, Philip and Erika, Karen McL and Helen

Thirteen lucky walkers took advantage of a break in recent unsettled weather to set out on a walk to Pollwombra Mountain summit. This relatively new walk is a 10 km circuit that takes in a side trip to the summit trig. We headed off along bike tracks just off Misons Road where all walkers were warned of the possible need to shortly cross a swollen creek that had been running quite well after recent rains. Much to the embarrassment of the walk leader, when we arrived at the creek, it was apparent that there was not only no flowing water but there wouldn’t have been enough water there to bathe an ant! Oh well, at least everyone didn’t get wet feet.

We commenced our steady ascent out of the gully and trudged up the northern slopes that eventually lead to the northern side of Pollwombra Mountain. We stopped for morning tea at an old trench in the ground which is obviously evidence of some sort of mining exploration that took place on the mountain many years ago. We then set off along the side of the mountain where we eventually reached the track that leads up to the summit. The track up to the summit is surrounded by Burrawangs and various wildflowers as well as stunning granite boulders. It is a very pretty walk but due to the vigorous vegetation regrowth at the summit the ocean views have become glimpses.

After having our glimpses, we headed back down the summit track but took a side detour through the granite boulder field on the western side of the mountain. The boulders in this area are quite amazing and many of them had large clumps of Orchids growing from crevices. Although flowering had ended it was still nice to see healthy Orchids flourishing.

We continued down the track where we eventually found a rocky outcrop for lunch and then continued on to Misons Road where we returned to the cars. All in all, it was a great day with good weather, threatening thunderstorms to the northwest left us alone and the rain held off until the drive home.

Donna G.